Radial Deep Groove Ball Bearings

Radial deep groove ball bearings


Radial Deep Groove Ball Bearings Introduction:

Radial deep groove ball bearings are widely used in many applications.
For example, motors, home appliance, bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, furnitures and so on.


Common radial deep groove ball bearings include 6000 series, 6200 series, 6300 series, 6400 series, 61800 series, 61900 series, 16000 series and 62200 series.

6000 Series Radial Deep Groove Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
6000 10x26x8 0.019
6001 12x28x8 0.021
6002 15x32x9 0.031
6003 17x35x10 0.036
6004 20x42x12 0.068
6005 25x47x12 0.078
6006 30x55x13 0.112
6007 35x62x14 0.147
6008 40x68x15 0.182
6009 45x75x16 0.229
6010 50x80x16 0.25
6011 55x90x18 0.362
6012 60x95x18 0.385
6013 65x100x18 0.41
6014 70x110x20 0.575
6015 75x115x20 0.603
6016 80x125x22 0.821
6017 85x130x22 0.88
6018 90x140x24 1.16
6019 95x145x24 1.18
6020 100x150x24 1.25
6021 105x160x26 1.62
6022 110x170x28 2.09
6024 120x180x28 2.4
6026 130x200x33 3.29
6028 140x210x33 3.25
6030 150x225x35 4.8
6032 160x240x38 5.9
6034 170x260x42 7.9
6036 180x280x46 10.7
6038 190x190x46 11.1
6040 200x310x51 14

6200 Series Radial Deep Groove Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
6200 10x30x9 0.032
6201 12x32x10 0.037
6202 15x35x11 0.045
6203 17x40x12 0.065
6204 20x47x14 0.106
6205 25x52x15 0.128
6206 30x62x16 0.199
6207 35x72x17 0.288
6208 40x80x18 0.366
6209 45x85x19 0.420
6210 50x90x20 0.462
6211 55x100x21 0.619
6212 60x110x22 0.789
6213 65x120x23 0.990
6214 70x125x24 1.084
6215 75x130x25 0.171
6216 80x140x26 1.448
6217 85x150x28 1.803
6218 90x160x30 2.170
6219 95x170x32 2.620
6220 100x180x34 3.190
6221 105x190x36 3.660
6222 110x200x38 4.290
6224 120x215x40 5.160
6226 130x230x40 6.190
6228 140x250x42 9.440

6300 Series Deep Groove Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
6300 10x35x11 0.053
6301 12x37x12 0.0574
6302 15x42x13 0.082
6303 17x47x14 0.113
6304 20x52x15 0.142
6305 25x62x17 0.235
6306 30x72x19 0.341
6307 35x80x21 0.453
6308 40x90x23 0.636
6309 45x100x25 0.825
6310 50x110x27 1.05
6311 55x120x29 1.36
6312 60x130x31 1.67
6313 65x140x33 2.08
6314 70x150x35 2.55
6315 75x160x37 3.02
6316 80x170x39 3.6
6317 85x180x41 4.22
6318 90x190x43 4.92
6319 95x200x45 5.74
6320 100x215x47 7.08
6324 120x260x55 12.2
6326 130x280x58 14.7
6328 140x300x62 21.8
6330 150x320x65 26.2

6400 Series Deep Groove Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
6403 17x62x17 0.268
6404 20x72x19 0.399
6405 25x80x21 0.53
6406 30x90x23 0.399
6407 35x100x25 0.919
6408 40x110x27 1.17
6409 45x120x29 1.57
6410 50x130x31 1.85
6411 55x140x33 2.31
6412 60x150x35 2.8
6413 65x160x37 3.25
6414 70x180x42 4.73
6415 75x190x45 5.57
6416 80x200x48 6.63
6417 85x210x52 8.31
6418 90x225x54 9.47
6419 95x240x55 13.4
6420 100x250x58 15.4

61800 Series Deep Groove Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
61800-2Z 2RS 10x19x5 0.0053
61801-2Z 2RS 12x21x5 0.0065
61802-2Z 2RS 15x24x5 0.0075
61803-2Z 2RS 17x26x5 0.0083
61804-2Z 2RS 20x32x7 0.02
61805-2Z 2RS 25x37x7 0.022
61806-2Z 2RS 30x42x7 0.026
61807-2Z 2RS 35x47x7 0.03
61808-2Z 2RS 40x52x7 0.03
61809-2Z 2RS 45x58x7 0.044
61810-2Z 2RS 50x65x7 0.049
61811-2Z 2RS 55x72x9 0.084

61900 Series Deep Groove Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
61900-2Z 2RS 10x22x6 0.01
61901-2Z 2RS 12x24x6 0.011
61902-2Z 2RS 15x28x7 0.016
61903-2Z 2RS 17x30x7 0.018
61904-2Z 2RS 20x37x9 0.038
61905-2Z 2RS 25x42x9 0.045
61906-2Z 2RS 30x47x9 0.051
61907-2Z 2RS 35x55x10 0.08
61908-2Z 2RS 40x62x12 0.12
61909-2Z 2RS 45x68x12 0.14
61910-2Z 2RS 50x72x12 0.14
61911-2Z 2RS 55x80x13 0.19
61912-2Z 2RS 60x85x13 0.2
61913-2Z 2RS 65x90x13 0.22
61914-2Z 2RS 70x100x16 0.35
61915-2Z 2RS 75x105x16 0.37
61916-2Z 2RS 80x110x16 0.4
61917-2Z 2RS 85x120x18 0.55
61918-2Z 2RS 90x125x18 0.65
61919-2Z 2RS 95x130x18 0.705
61920-2Z 2RS 100x140x20 0.96
61921-2Z 2RS 105x145x20 0.87
61922-2Z 2RS 110x150x20 1
61924-2Z 2RS 120x165x22 1.2
61926-2Z 2RS 130x180x24 1.65
61928-2Z 2RS 140x190x24 1.9
61930-2Z 2RS 150x210x28 3.05

16000 Series Radial Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
16004 20x42x8 0.05
16005 25x47x8 0.056
16006 30x55x9 0.083
16007 35x62x9 0.104
16008 40x68x9 0.13
16009 45x75x10 0.17
16010 50x80x10 0.18
16011 55x90x11 0.26
16012 60x96x11 0.28
16013 65x100x11 0.3
16014 70x110x13 0.45
16015 75x115x13 0.47
16016 80x125x14 0.76
16017 85x130x14 0
16018 90x140x16 0.94
16019 95x145x16 0
16020 100x150x16 0
16021 105x160x18 0
16022 110x170x19 1.47

62200 Series Radial Ball Bearings Size Chart:

Model Number Specifications(dxDxB) Weight/kg
62200 10x30x14 0.044
62201 12x32x14 0.053
62202 15x35x14 0.065
62203 17x40x16 0.096
62204 20x47x16 0.143
62205 25×52×18 0.178
62206 30x62x20 0.246
62207 35x72x23 0.396
62208 40x80x23 0.45
62209 45x85x23 0.726
62210 50x90x23 0.726
62211 55×100×25 0.81
62212 60×110×28
62213 65×120×31 1.28
62214 70×125×31
62215 75×130×31 1.39
62216 80×140×33
62217 85×150×36
62218 90×160×40


If you have any questions of radial deep groove ball bearings, please feel free to contact us.
We will give you reply within 12 hours !

Professional Bearing Solution Expert
Jinan TOP Bearing Co., Ltd
Add: 1-2405-4, No. 1825, Hualong Rd., Licheng Dist, Jinan, Shandong, China
Mobile/Whatsapp/Wechat: +8615662712802
Email: [email protected]